Who's excited for the very last season of Poldark airing on the BBC on Sunday?! Our Sales and Marketing Manager Katy has been an extra in all five seasons. She shares her top five favourite Poldark moments.

Chatting to Captain Poldark himself on camera (about rocks)!

As a Miner's Wife my tasks were usually related to rocks. Washing rocks, sieving rocks, sorting rocks! All in the hope of finding tin or copper. I really perfected my 'looking at rocks' concentration face over the years. Often you are asked to interact with the actors for certain shots and in this one Ross Poldark comes over to check out my rocks! In between takes we chatted about the horse he rides in the series Seamus.
Being an animal handler

There were lots of gorgeous ponies and horses on set. The ones that weren't being ridden by the cast were used as working ponies in the mine. As I have experience with horses, I was asked to work with this gorgeous Exmoor pony. It mainly involved leading him around the mine or the beach and standing with him loading up his baskets (with fake foam rocks or items from the shipwreck!).
Being asked by Aidan Turner for a photo!

The rules on set were that you couldn't ask the actors for photos but this one was taken by Aidan Turner himself on his phone. You can't say no to that! Shame my face is covered in mud and my hair is greasy (all part of the Miner's Wife look!).
The friends I made

The days on set can often be very long and there is a lot of waiting around between takes so you do get to know your fellow Supporting Artists very well. I made some really good friends on Poldark and it was really lovely to reunite with them every year for the filming of the next series. It was always funny to see them out of costume as some people look so different you almost don't recognise them!
Running along the clifftop with Demelza

In the latest series, I was part of a scene which involved running along the coast path with Demelza and some of the other cast. I won't give away why we were running! It turns out that running isn't the easiest in a corset and a massive skirt. In between takes we saw seals and dolphins which was an added bonus.
Keep tuned to the Journal to here more of Katy's Poldark tales.